Sunday, January 10, 2010

Religion, society and science and the questions

Part I

Well lot has been written and documented on this issue and I am sure we are going to see a lot on this in the future too. But what I present here are my own perspectives and is not meant to offend any religious belief or believers and in course if I do so I offer my humblest apologies.

I start with God. Man always has been fascinated by the all powerful almighty "The God" and his perfect personality. His teachings and his instructions are the utmost epitaph of aesthetic values. He created the universe , the things around us and most importantly us "The Humans". But He also created obstacles in our paths to test our moral judgements or if I may use the word humaneness and if anyone fails to pass through these tests shall go to hell. To spread His messages He made messengers and prophets. Those messengers and prophets turned His messages into scriptures and laws which we know as religion. This is a very generalised simplistic version, without going deep into a particular religious philosophy, of every religious philosophy as far as I am given to understand.

Now my questions as a very strayed soul in the path to enlightenment are: Why did the God feel the necessity to create the universe? Why did he put the so called evil thoughts in our minds?
Why did He created Humans with differences in mind, body and aesthetic values? Why does the religious belief of one region differ from one another if the same God of every religious philosophy created the same humans? Whom do the God call evil?

I hope my questions are humble and legitimate so as not be seen as offensive. I am looking forward to some good replies and if possible a debate on this issue. In part II I shall put forward my own perspective to God, religion, society and science.


  1. acha hain thumhare paper written walle se ...

  2. erm... as for me...i dun really an atheist...
    i would do whatever i feel is morally right according to me

  3. At a boy cous, Theist have answers to every question. To me (again not trying to offend anyone) the division in religious beliefs is one of the most (if not the supreme) powerful tool to spread hatred. Everyone is in each other's throat to boast their superiority in beliefs. Everyone puts their religion before humanism. If we take out religion there is one less reason to fight (there is always land, resources, power to fight for).Then agian, it's just my thoughts and everyone is entitled to have one.

    Good post and believe in what you write!

  4. My take on God and religion!

    Human created God, not the other way around!

    I have my own theory for such humanly reason.

    One, because human realised that life is both: the most beautiful and difficult thing to live with. All humans (cavemen till now) faced many tensions and problems throughout their life-time which he has no control of, and which he felt incapable of handling or managing on his own.

    So he realised the need to look up to someone who can give him motivation and faith (created by mind's Selfconciousness [I, me, my]), thus creating God.

    If you see history, earlier Gods were related to nature (Sun, Moon, Plants, Animals, etc...), then with development of civilisation and building of socity and culture, human beings (Kings and their family) took over the charge of being God.

    Later on, this role was taken over by the learned men (who could read and write) in most culture (brahmins, priests, mawlawi, etc). But there were flaws in this system, division built up in society, leading to the rise of self-claimed God or Godmen.

    And over a period of time, we started fighting claiming whose self-made God is great.

  5. One of the reasons why we have the concept of God is because most of the times it is easier for most of the people to pray rather than act.

  6. Philosopher Vidyut!! nt bad! btw u knw m atheist so i won't like to discuss so called evil and god issues!
