Sunday, May 9, 2010

God and why we need Him?


God and his existence has always been a mystery and will always remain debatable until God(if the God that we define exist) himself comes and provides the proof. First of all let us take a look at the definition of God. Who is God? God is the all powerful, all knowing who created everything who would punish us in hell for not following his laws(more or less this trend is followed in all the religious beliefs). Now with that kind of definition the problem is there is too much divine intervention as philosophers like Aristotle contemplated about the issue in earlier times. I mean to say that for such kind of Godly existence there is no scope for science, everything would have been random but we know fire always burns due to heat energy, a pencil always writes in paper due to friction etc. But one can always argue that everything is a sham that we can only see what we are shown that we are incapable to look at things from different angles. Then my point is why is the emergence of medical science(most of the diseases in earlier times were deemed to be curses of some sort or a demonic activity), then why give us the power to harness electricity, why give us the power to fly in aeroplanes and that too after lets say the renaissance(things began to change before renaissance but most of the changes took place after the renaissance period) period. Why that timeline , why not before that time?, What did we do to gain such favours from the Almighty to be able to get cured from the diseases without divine intervention or travel in space or send probes to mars and moon after the period of renaissance? As with the scientific paradox of existence of an almighty God that if such a God exist then can He create a stone which He Himself cannot lift and If He can then how is He all powerful? Then if such a God doesnot exist according to my perspective(one can always argue with the sham perspective) , why we needed/need Him or how did He get created? For this I would like to narrate a fictional story and try to justify the aforementioned topic.

Long Long time back a cro-magnon relaxing in a contemplative mood saw a lightning strike accompanied with a thundering sound. He felt fear, excitement (the kind of feeling one gets when adrenaline pumps up). He thought and thought about it but due to lack of his knowledge and with the current state of mind he had at that time he could come up with only one solution and that was there is some divine intervention i.e lightning happens because of some divine hand. Now we know lightning is an atmospheric discharge of electricity accompanied by thunder. He could apply and relate this to all the other phenomena. He spread the message to his tribesmen and each one of them could not find an answer either and accepted his solution. He became a sort of messenger because he could think and find solutions to natural phenomena(basically applying the same ideas of divine hand) and the trend spread. From then on started the culture of nature worship i.e paganism. As far as I am given to understand paganism was earliest form of religious worship. Thats why we can see paganism in tribes. Organized form of religion came much much later. It was when Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and other godlike people started preaching their teachings we come across organized religions. My point here is that we always referred ourselves to the divine hand when we couldnot find any solution. When things seemed bizzare and unsolvable we always used the divine excuse(even now we do it). We use the divine excuse to simplfy and justify our acts as well as explain natural phenomena.

I used the term godlike people for Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed because they were different although they themselves believed in a higher power. They were different in a sense that they could effectively apply their ideas and create a difference in the world with their ideas of social reforms. And they themselves lead a life which the majority dared not to follow which makes them godlike. According to me even Mahatma Gandhi(the term Mahatma means great soul) and Nelson Mandela are Godlike people because they could create a difference with their ideas. I believe each one of has a Godlike personality(the kind of definition we have for God although we cannot do magic) in ourselves and that we need not to go find any other divine hand. I believe if each one of us can find that Godly existence in ourselves we would not have any war, we would have any crime. We would understand each other and our minds would resonate in such unison that the world that we dreamed of shall come true.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

All about Events and Connectedness

The more I keep thinking about this the more things start to get bizzare.For instance like Creation, its bizzare like magic, it just keeps happening all the time(creation of human beings, puppies,sea waves to name a few). And here I quote Einstein "God doesn't play dice in the Universe" meaning nothing is random in this universe. This quote tells us everything without giving any answers. Indeed this is very true if you have observed carefully however magical things may look. The actions that we take always amount to some path or event knowingly or unknowingly. Here pause and think of a situation where you could have acted in some different way and things could have been different(this is not to bring back bad memories or something but think in an unbiased manner). If you could go back in time I am quite certain everyone would have certain changes to make.

Now back to the present plane of thoughts. Have you ever wondered why everything and everyone around us is different even though we all are made of atoms which are composed of energy at the deepest level. Just a different arrangement of energy in your atoms and here you are a cup serving tea, another arrangement and you are a bird enjoying the nuances of everyday life at your own time. But every arrangement that takes place in this universe is a consequence of some past event which has happened earlier. For instance, the cup was serving tea because the clay was molded into the shape of a cup by some potter or artisan then this cup was sold to the merchant who displayed it in his shop and you went to the merchant shop before another person with similar taste of things and liked the cup and brought it home and the cup is serving tea. Now think of a situation where one of the events were to be violated. At the very extreme like the potter or artisan was dead early or his parents didn't meet and he was not there molding that clay hence that cup never existed. Next the potter was there and made the cup and sold it to the merchant then the merchant was sick that day on which you were going to his shop because he ate some stale food the other day and the cup is not serving tea. Again the merchant is well and displaying the cup but the person with similar taste is early and brought the cup before you did because he woke up early as in morning dogs of his street were barking due to arrival of some strangers as their trains were late. Next everything is fine and you bring the cup home (yippie) and then there is heavy rainfall so one is able to go outside and bring home tea and sadly you can't make tea. So NOW YOU KNOW WHY THE CUP WAS SERVING TEA.

My point is everything in this universe is connected and thats why physicist are searching for a theory that would explain everything, thats why some of the great minds became insane thinking about the problem. Knowlingly or unknowlingly the choices that we make lead to an event in the future which may have different priorities for different people. But it also a fact that choices that we make are also governed by the present state of mind, the environment(which is also based on the things that take place in the universe) and the past events offcourse. Also any event that takes place should always at first take place in the deepest level for now lets take that level to be of energy which would then give rise to cascade of events in the atomic scale then molecular scale and so on and so forth. I believe the ultimate quest for mankind would be to find the beginning of the first event which may be well before the proposed big bang formation of the universe.